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Coaches Corner


Some Training at home tips from Simonds Longhorns Coach Scott McNamee - - Share !!

5 Tips to training at home before the season,

Static stretching & Flexibility- Static stretching (holding a stretch for a length of time usually 10-30 seconds) lengthens your muscles, which increases flexibility to fend off injuries that result from overuse, such as rotator cuff damage.…

Dynamic warm up- can improve your athletic performance and help prevent injury. Your body and muscle temperatures will go up. This increases the oxygen and blood flow throughout your body.…/10-dynamic-warm-up-exe…/slide-3

Core Training- There are three major reasons why core strength training should be paramount for athletes – Power, Stability, and Balance. Easy exercises to do while at home.

Speed and agility training- Speed and agility training can help athletes create more power in their personal performance for that extra competitive edge. Increase of balance and coordination! Agility training can help improve balance and coordination to help athletes be more stable and nimbler on their feet.

Position training- Work on your stance and coming out of your stance. Work first steps and hand placement. Work on football and position related movements. Back pedal, hand fighting, drops, shorts sprints and lateral movements. Throwing and catching.

It has nothing to do with talent, and everything to do with effort! Wins and losses come a dime a dozen. But effort? Nobody can judge that. Because effort is between you and you. – Ray Lewis


KV Raiders Coach Chris Gallant shares some great at home workouts for football players of all ages.

These can be done at home with no equipment.
Fundy Minor Football hopes that you are keeping active during this time!

Check it out this link -


Important advice from Coach Ron Dunfield from the Sussex Sonics

Traits of a great football player:
DESIRE. Determination to overcome an opponent, whether by delivering a solid block or by shaking off the block attempt of an opponent and going on to make the tackle...

CONFIDENCE. The belief that he/she can do what has been asked to do. ...

There are many folds to making a GREAT PLAYER. Coaches love to see a young athletes desire to be a STUDENT OF THE GAME!!! This is where a coach can separate players that want more from Football and those that just want to play.
Being a student of the game takes time and discipline. It’s not just about lifting weights, eating properly, showing up for practices every day, it means UNDERSTANDING, FILM STUDY, RESEARCH, ASKING QUESTIONS, LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES AND WHAT YOU DID WELL. A great way to take your knowledge to a new level is learning a new position, what compliments your position. Defensive Backs learn what Wide Receivers are trained to do; Offensive lineman need to learn what Defensive Lineman are trained to do.
Just think if you know what your opponent is going to do before they are doing it, this is GOLDEN!!!

"Today I will do what others WON'T, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others CAN'T" - Jerry Rice



Check out these Quarterback Skills and Drills - Great Reminders and pointers for the seasoned QB and those aspiring to play the position.

From KV Coach - JJ Joudry

The quarterback position might be the most technical role on the field as it is about combining flexibility (torque), feel (touch) and, Velocity (Power) often at the same.

Important to remember as a QB is the following:
- Footwork is critical (practice getting parallel on one, three and five step drops)
- Find a rhythm (learn to get the ball out within 3-3.5 seconds)
-Learn to trust pressure and climb into your pocket.
- Learn to read your opponent’s defense. (Understand basic defensive language - man, hold, cut)
- IMPORTANT - keep elbow up on release. Difference between pushing the ball and really having to throw it.
- Velocity . Power comes from your right hip (left if you’re a lefty) and torque in your torso and shoulders. Practice releasing power while doing footwork....IMPORTANT - learn to throw the football with your whole body and not just your arm.

- knee drill - on one knee, practice throwing with a partner. Focuses on torque and elbow high. (Alternate knees)
- Frozen Drill - stand facing partner and throw without a step. Again focused on rotation in torque , elbow high and, finish.
- Pocket Drill - use four cones (on in middle and three others about three feet away in front, back and side to side. Have someone say go and you follow their direction. Goal is to keep feet moving and slide in the pocket.
- Speed Drill - have three-five balls. Have someone snap them to you working on quick play releases.
- lastly you keep elbow up. Practice starting with ball already behind you resting against the wall with your elbow up and simply release it to get habit of elbow up.

If you’re a QB, or desire to be a QB remember your gym workout routine is not about bulk, it’s about flexibility, core strength and high reps.



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